We’re back in 2023!


It has been so long since we’ve seen you, studied with you, sent you any news. So much has happened since we decided to take a break in December 2021, and we will be telling you a lot about that on a new podcast episode which we will be releasing Monday, January 2!

We know it has been a long season of silence, but having hit the ground sprinting in 2020, we really needed some time to take a step back, rest, breathe deeply, listen, and pray. We have been listening for how God wants us to invest our energy now that Dive Collective is built. Between all of the podcasts, devotional writing, and multiple Bible studies, we knew we had something beautiful, but God had/has some refining to do. While we believe God is truly lighting our path only a single step at a time, there are a few critical things that are changing. One thing, we anticipate, will remain the same for as long as Dive Collective lives…

First, the changes. We anticipate we will be shifting Dive Collective from an LLC to a non-profit. This will allow us to welcome any and all people to all aspects of our ministry without any “membership fees.” Instead, we will be able to take donations to help us sustain the costs of the ministry and even pursue grants for this purpose.

Furthermore, we feel that our mission is changing. Originally our mission was to make the Bible accessible to everyone by improving biblical literacy. While this will always remain a major thread of our ministry, our mission is actually to lead people to new depths of intimacy with Christ. We believe this means intentionality, focus, and community.

We want to dwell on our acceptance as the beloved of God and, in so doing, accept others just as they are. Therefore, we will practice this in what we are calling Depth Groups. In these small communities, we will practice intentionality in our walks with Christ so that He can form us more and more into His likeness. In Depth Groups, through structured prompts and listening, we reflect on our stories, we recognize God’s work within them, and we respond to His invitations to deeper love and intimacy. We strongly believe that within Depth Groups, this faith-filled soul work will lead to close encounters with Jesus, and we will grow in intimacy with Him and one another. 

We are currently piloting our first Depth Group, and anticipate starting new ones throughout the year. If you think you would be interested in one of these groups, please visit our Depth Groups page for details.

One thing that will remain the same is Bible study. We just cannot get enough of Scripture. It’s where our heart beats and where we discover, with each new pass over the text, more about the beauty of Christ, character of God, and work of the Holy Spirit. So we will continue with the podcast. The Recap Podcast will become the Dive Studies Podcast. (Don’t worry, we will keep all of the old content, so you can still refer people to our previous episodes.) We are so excited to dive into the book of Hebrews in January! For those who want live discussion, Erin will host live Reflection Groups Tuesdays at 7PM EST or Wednesdays at 9AM EST based on the most recent episode of our Dive Studies Podcast. Visit our Reflection Groups page for more information on and how to join. We hope to see you all in January!

Peace in the midst,

Anneke, Erin, and Kelly



Tune into the Dive Studies Podcast to follow along with Dive: Hebrews!

For those interested in live discussion groups, join a Reflection Group, where we discuss key takeaways from each weeks podcast episode as well as the Bible Reading Plan (FREE! when you sign up for our newsletter)


Holiday Reads 2021